Rewards at DGSB

Students can achieve reward points in a number of ways at DGSB:

- Above and Beyond Points. These are given for reasons such as excellent quality academic work, improvement in any area of school life, helping staff and the school community, good progress and good behaviour

- In KS3, students are awarded a Golden Ticket, one or two students per lesson for outstanding achievement

- Fiat Lux Programme. Weekly tasks aimed to challenge and push students beyond the standard curriculum. Points are awarded for each week's challenges which will are counted as Above and Beyond points

- Points go towards the DGSB House Cup Competition, an annual event for the best house. Find out more here: House Points

For those that accrue lots points, the following rewards are given:

- Reward afternoons

- Bronze, Silver and Gold Stars to be worn on school blazers, if the following totals are achieved:
