DGSB Sixth Form - About Us
Welcome to our Sixth Form
Below, you will find informative videos from our Head of Sixth Form and Headteacher and subject information for all A-Levels at DGSB.
For information on how to apply to our Sixth Form, please visit the Sixth Form Application page of our website.
A link can be found here: DGSB Sixth Form - How to Apply
You might like to know that in our 2023 Sixth Form Review, parents and students rated the DGSB Sixth Form very highly!
- 100% of respondents believe their son/daughter made the correct decision in joining the DGSB Sixth Form
- The average parent/carer rating for the quality of education in the DGSB Sixth Form was 8.74 (out of 10)
- The average parent/carer rating for the quality of pastoral support in the DGSB Sixth Form was 8.92 (out of 10)
- The average parent/carer rating for the quality of the school building and facilities in the DGSB Sixth Form was 8.58 (out of 10).
To learn more about studying A Levels in our Sixth Form, please click on the relevant subject tab below for further information.
Art and Design (Fine Art)
"It’s kind of fun to do the impossible." Walt Disney
Mr Gratus, Ms Ried |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Art |
This is a linear course with examinations at the end of Year 13.
We follow the AQA specification in Art & Design (Fine Art).
The two-year linear programme contains four units. Year 12 consists of one coursework unit and one internally set assignment, leading to a five-hour examination. Year 13 consists of one coursework unit and a fifteen-hour externally assessed examination. The coursework and examination work each count for 50% of the total mark.
The ‘Portfolio’ in Year 12 and the ‘Personal Investigation’ in Year 13 require you to be innovative and to experiment as you learn from major artists and to then apply that learning to practical work. For the externally set assignments, you will write at least 2,000 words analysing, describing and appreciating the work of major artists. You will also make notes about your own work and how it relates to the work of selected artists.
Themes for the units could include landscapes, portraits, still life, interiors, buildings and structures and wildlife. Wide ranges of materials and processes are used throughout the course. You are given a strategic learning programme that is unique to your artistic direction, interests and creative development. Group discussions and one-to-one discussions are held frequently and recorded.
Trips to galleries provide opportunities for you to engage with original works of art. We also expect you to learn independently, by undertaking your own trips to galleries and exhibitions and by making contact with local artists.
Successful students of art at DGSB have gone on to study Fine Art, Digital Media Design, Gaming Design, Film Production, Art history, and Architecture at university.
- Animation
- Gaming
- Fashion
- Fine Art
- Illustration
- Photography, Design.
Super Curriculum
Art and Design - Super Curriculum Information
"Biology is the study of the complex things in the Universe. Physics is the study of the simple ones." Richard Dawkins
Mrs Cavanagh, Mrs Siggins Snashall |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Biology or Grade 6,6 in GCSE Combined Science + Grade 6 in GCSE Maths |
We follow the AQA specification for A Level Biology. This is a linear course with the main examination at the end of Year 13. There are three examinations which are comprised of unit-based assessments, with the final paper focusing on the synoptic nature of the course and including a 25-mark synoptic essay.
In Year 12, you will study four units. We begin with Biological Molecules and how these form the foundations for all life on Earth. This is studied alongside Cell Biology, which builds upon the key fundamentals you have studied in your secondary education and introduces new and exciting organelles. We then move on to study Exchange and Transport Systems, in tandem with Diversity, Classification and Selection.
In Year 13, you will apply the fundamentals you have studied in Year 12 and link these to four new units. These include Bioenergetics, namely Respiration and Photosynthesis, alongside Responding to the Internal and External Environment. We finish the course with a focus on Genetics and Genetic Technologies.
There is a minimum of 12 formally assessed practical components to the course which you will undertake in the relative units. Each practical is assessed with different practical techniques in mind and will ensure you are competent and confident to undertake most biological practical work in any future career or university course.
A Level Biology is an incredibly rewarding course that will challenge and engage you. If you are fascinated by the world around you, how key biological mechanisms work, or the idea that we have all evolved from a single celled organism, then come and join us. The course will open up many potential career and university options to you, giving you a great start into further education or the workplace.
- Scientific research
- Medicine and Healthcare
- Agriculture
- Sports and Fitness
- Police and Emergency services
- Engineering
Super Curriculum
"Every aspect of the world today – even politics and international relations – is affected by chemistry." Linus Pauling
Ms Sanders, Mr Holmes |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Chemistry or Grade 6, 6 in GCSE Combined Science + Grade 6 in GCSE Maths |
We follow the OCR Chemistry A specification for Chemistry. This is a linear course with the main examination at the end of Year 13.
A-level Chemistry will give you an exciting insight into the contemporary world of chemistry. It covers the key concepts of chemistry and practical skills are integrated throughout the course. This combination of academic challenge and practical focus makes the prospect of studying A-level Chemistry enjoyable and interesting. You will learn to investigate and solve problems in a range of contexts and learn about the impact it has on industry and many aspects of everyday life. Teaching of practical skills is integrated with the theoretical topics and they are both assessed through written papers.
In Year 12, we learn the foundation concepts and how these concepts can be applied in unfamiliar contexts. In the first unit, you will learn the basic principles of chemistry, expanding on knowledge from GCSE. In the second unit, we develop new ideas about trends in the periodic table and consider energy in chemical reactions. In the last unit, we learn about the exciting world of organic chemistry and how we can use simple ideas and techniques to generate complex compounds.
In Year 13, these units are developed further and give you the opportunity to increase your knowledge in the areas of physical, organic and inorganic chemistry. We will learn how synthesis and analysis of complex molecules enables us to understand how the structure of the molecule affects the action of drugs, how structure affects the colour of dyes and also how the physical and chemical properties of transition metals have led to many applications from batteries to biological processes.
There is opportunity to engage in practical work at every turn, both demonstrating and investigating the concepts that are introduced as the course progresses. The aim of the course is not only to give you the opportunity to engage with chemistry, but for chemistry to empower you academically, vocationally and personally.
- Medicine
- Chemical engineering
- Geology
- Pharmacy
Super Curriculum
Chemistry Super Curriculum Information
"To me, mathematics, computer science, and the arts are insanely related. They're all creative expressions." Sebastian Thrun
Mr Hansen, Mr Hornus |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Computing |
You will need to have a keen interest in problem-solving, an ability in mathematics and a fair amount of resilience to learn computer programming in Java as well as the study of the theoretical aspects of computer science.
Computer science will help you develop:
- an understanding of, and the ability to apply, the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms and data representation
- the ability to analyse problems in computational terms, solving problems through practical experience and writing programs to do so
- the capacity for thinking creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically
- the capacity to see relationships between different aspects of computer science
- mathematical skills.
In Year 12, you learn about the fundamentals of the computer itself, studying binary notation, data representation, and logical operators with logic circuits and storage, before looking at how processors work. You are also introduced to programming techniques and prepared to begin the non-examined assessment (NEA) which comprises 20 percent of the final A-Level grade.
Year 13 will see you continuing to develop your NEA project to completion as well as honing your skills with teamwork, presentation and debates as we recap on the theory content of the course to prepare for the final exams (worth 80 percent of the final A-Level mark).
- Systems Analyst
- Systems Engineer
- IT Support
- Network Management
- Programmer
Super Curriculum
Computing Super Curriculum Information
Design Technology
"Good design is innovative. Good design must be useful. Good design is aesthetic design. Good design makes a product understandable. Good design is honest. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is long-lasting. Good design is consistent in every detail. Good design is environmentally friendly. And last but not least, good design is as little design as possible." Dieter Rams
Mr Mugford, Mrs Stroud, Mr Friend |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Product Design + Grade 5 in GCSE Maths |
The Product Design A-level is an exciting, student-led course which provides a whole range of creative, analytical and practical skills that are much sought after by employers and universities in all fields. We use the Eduqas syllabus.
In Year 12, students will complete a series of focused practical projects to develop the variety of skills needed to complete the NEA. They will build on their visual communication techniques using a combination of sketching, 3D computer modelling and prototyping. Investigating design strategies will enable them to think critically and problem-solve creatively. We will also build on their knowledge and understanding of design movements, materials, production techniques, environmental/social/commercial issues and manufacturing.
In Year 13, students will complete the NEA (50%). They have the freedom to develop their own design brief and create a high quality, commercially viable product. Underpinning both years is a solid framework of theoretical investigation that will be tested in the exam unit (50%).
Product design is a subject you can do so much with; every industry has a need for someone like you. Nine of the top ten jobs held by graduates employed in the UK are related to design.
Designers hold a pivotal position in society as they determine the success or failure of every product and the impact it has on the consumer who uses it. Every product you will ever use now, and in the future, will be made or broken by product design.
- Product Designer
- Furniture maker
- Production Engineer
- Teaching
- Aerospace engineering
Super Curriculum
"Nobody spends somebody else's money as wisely as s(he) spends his/her own." Milton Friedman
Mr Ralph |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics |
Economics studies the solutions to an essential problem of life: SCARCITY. The problem is that the limited resources available to us cannot fulfil our unlimited wants and needs. The necessary choices this problem generates gives us the study of economics.
In Year 12, you will study:
- Theme 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure
- Theme 2: The UK Economy – Performance and Policies
Year 12 Economics will introduce you to microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics addresses issues such as: ‘Why are house prices so high?’, ‘Can pollution be controlled?’ and ‘When, how and why should governments interfere with markets?’. Macroeconomics issues include: ‘Why does the Government have an inflation rate target of 2% and does it matter?’, ‘What happens to the economy if people decide to spend less?’, ‘How are we positively and negatively affected by the growth of the Chinese economy?’ and ‘What will Brexit mean for the UK economy?’.
In Year 13, you will study:
- Theme 3: Business Behaviour and the Labour Market
- Theme 4: A Global Perspective
Year 13 Economics will deepen your understanding of microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts and theories and you will learn to analyse and evaluate the positives and limitations of economic models. You will explore ideas, within a more global context, such as the impacts of globalisation, how firms grow and compete within markets, how countries develop and improve their living standards and why monopolies can bring benefits as well as costs to society
Once you study economics, you never look at life in quite the same way again. Never easy to study, the learning will present a fresh and new challenge to the way you think and, with success, it will provide a great foundation to a multitude of career paths. True power lies in the ability to make choices and choosing A Level Economics will empower you.
- Banking & Finance
- Data Analysis
- Financial consultancy
- Accountancy
- Public Sector roles e.g. civil servant
Super Curriculum
English Language and Literature
“If you don’t get out of the box you were raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.” Angelina Jolie
Ms Calvo, Miss Mingoia |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE English Language + Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature |
This qualification requires students to study six texts – at least three from the genres of prose fiction, poetry and/or drama and another three, one of which must be non-literary. These requirements are met in the following way:
Qualification Structure |
Studied Texts |
Component One |
1. Voices in Speech and Writing: An Anthology |
2. Drama |
Component Two |
3. Prose fiction. One set novel |
4. Other prose fiction anchor text, other prose fiction, drama or poetry text |
Non-Examined Assessment |
5. A piece of fiction writing based around a theme of your choice. |
6. A piece of non-fiction writing based around the same theme. A commentary of fiction and non-fiction choices to be included. |
You will sit two examinations and complete a piece of coursework. The coursework will include creative writing, a piece of non-fiction and a commentary of your own work.
As a facilitating subject, A-Level English Language and Literature is one of the most sought-after qualifications when applying to university. It combines the best aspects of GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature. You will study a combination of novels, poetry and drama texts as well as studying a range of non-fiction writing including speeches, articles, biographies and digital texts. Each text studied has a dual focus: to be both enjoyable and rigorous. We are extremely excited to be able to offer this brand-new course as it will enable our students to continue their study of fantastic literature and give them the opportunity to be creative and develop their own writing. This course is challenging and wide-ranging; it is the perfect opportunity for someone who wants to continue studying all aspects of English and work extremely hard.
- Journalist
- Editor
- Social Media Management
- PR Manager
- Publisher
- Teacher
Super Curriculum
English Super Curriculum Information
English Literature
"Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you." Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Mr Silk, Mrs Townsend, Miss Mingoia, Mrs Stanley |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature (Grade 5 in GCSE English Language is also desirable) |
We follow the Edexcel exam board for A-Level English Literature.
- Component 1: Drama - one Shakespeare play and one other drama. (30%)
- Component 2: Prose – two prose texts from a chosen area of study. (20%)
- Component 3: Poetry - a modern poetry anthology, and a poetry collection based on a specific writer/genre. (30%)
- Component 4: Coursework – a comparative analysis of two texts not studied in Components 1-3. (20%)
As a facilitating subject, A-Level English Literature is one of the most sought-after qualifications when applying to university. It will develop your communication skills, both verbally and written. You will learn how to use evidence from a plethora of sources to supplement your own vision and understanding of great literature and the wider world.
Each text studied has a dual focus: to be both enjoyable and rigorous. The English department at the Dover Grammar School for Boys believe that the harder the challenge, the greater the reward. You will be tested like you have never been tested before! Your writing, your dedication and your understanding will be pushed further than you have experienced at GCSE. This subject is not for the faint-hearted; if you love reading and are prepared to discuss your ideas, this is the subject for you.
We hope that the subject will build on your love of reading great literature. English Literature is the cornerstone of every great education. Equally important is that it will enrich your life for years to come. It is a study that includes Psychology, Sociology, History, Religious Studies, Geography and more. You will discover an entire universe of other worlds, other possibilities, as well as more about yourself. If you love a challenge, love literature and are willing to share your passion, English Literature at Dover Grammar School for Boys is the place for you.
An A-Level in English Literature opens doors to all careers. It showcases your ability to communicate accurately and express your ideas in a clear and coherent way. A-Level English Literature can lead jobs such as:
- Journalist
- Editor
- Social Media Management
- PR Manager
- Publisher
- Teacher
Super Curriculum
Film Studies
"Photography is truth. And cinema is truth twenty-four times a second. " Jean-Luc Godard
Mr O'Gorman, Mrs Parker |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Media Studies or Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature |
The course comprises of three components. Component 1 and 2 each equate to 35% of the qualification. Component 3 involves coursework which involves the production of a short film or a written screenplay. This makes up the final 30% of the qualification.
Component 1 comprises both Classical and New Hollywood (Section A), followed by American Film since 2005 (Section B) and British Film since 1995 (Section C).
Component 2 consists of four sections: European and Global Film (Section A), Documentary Film (Section B), Silent Cinema (Section C) and Experimental Film (Section D).
Component 3 is the coursework element where students will study a selection of short films to provide inspiration for their own piece. This can take the form of a short film or a screenplay for a short film.
This course focuses on the spectator’s experience in the film making process alongside the application of both core and additional study areas that will allow students to fully understand films in terms of film form, meaning and contexts. An appreciation of the aesthetic quality of films and their underlying meanings is essential to this course and students should bring their passion for all types of films and film movements to the classroom to enable fruitful discussions within our analytical seminars.
- Director
- Editor
- Sound engineer
- Choreographer
- Producer
Super Curriculum
Further Maths
"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding." William Paul Thurston
Mrs Munday, Mrs Hayden |
Entry Requirements: Grade 8 in GCSE Mathematics. Students must also study Mathematics A-level. This is an additional subject, so students who select this option will be taking four A-Levels. |
There are two compulsory core modules covering various topics in Pure Mathematics and two optional modules. At DGSB, you will normally study the optional modules Further Mechanics 1 and Decision Mathematics 1. However, it is possible for you to do other modules, although if you select this route, it will involve some supervised self-study.
At the end of Year 13, there are four 90-minute exams, two for Core Pure Maths and one for each of the other modules studied.
If you are applying to study a degree in a STEM subject, you should consider taking Further Mathematics, as the additional content helps ensure a successful progression to university. The challenge of studying a fourth A level has to be carefully weighed against the benefit of achieving a broader knowledge of understanding of Mathematical concepts but, nevertheless, it is to be recommended. We would strongly advise you to consider what you might be applying for after the sixth form as some universities may have Further Maths as a preference or requirement for STEM courses. Having A-level Further Mathematics on your university application is also a way to make it stand out:
“When students begin an engineering course with a further maths qualification, whether at A-level or AS, we find they are significantly better prepared to manage their studies.”
John Morton, Chief executive: Engineering and Technology Board
The logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills you learn while studying a A level Mathematics are highly valued by employers across many job sectors. Here are some examples;
- Engineering
- Financial Services
- Sports Analytics
- Space Science and Astronomy
Super Curriculum
"Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future." Michael Palin
Mrs Messenger, Mrs White, Miss Waterfield |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Geography |
This is a two-year linear A-level course, which has two papers and a non-examined assessment (NEA).
Component 1 – Physical Geography – 2 hour 30-minute written exam (40% of overall grade)
Component 2 – Human Geography – 2 hour 30-minute written exam (40% of overall grade)
Component 3 – Geography Fieldwork Investigation – 3000 to 4000 words (20% of overall grade)
By studying this AQA course, you will:
- Develop a global perspective and a sense of world interdependence, as well as an understanding of the interrelationship between people, place and the environment.
- Develop a concern for the quality of the environment, and an understanding of the need to plan and manage for present and future generations.
- Recognise the need for social justice, equality and respect for others; appreciate diversity, and combat bias, prejudice and stereotyping.
- Enhance your employability skills for environmental and scientific careers through the use of web-based Geographical Information Systems (GIS), such as ArcGIS.
A geographical education is an education for life. A-Level Geography will give you an insight into issues and places that really matter in the world today. Studying Geography at DGSB provides you with a wide range of transferable skills relevant to employment. Fieldwork, which is an integral part of the course, will allow you to see geographical concepts in action and test geographical skills and theories. During the course, you will have the opportunity to undertake fieldwork on a local, national and possibly international scale.
- Cartographer - A cartographer’s job involves developing and producing maps.
- Climate change analyst - Climate change analysts evaluate scientific data and research concerning the climate to create models and predictions about what could happen to the Earth's climate in the future.
- Town Planner - Planners make decisions about the management and development of cities, towns, villages and the countryside. They aim to balance the conflicting demands of housing, industrial development, agriculture, recreation, transport and the environment, in order to allow appropriate development to take place.
- Surveyor - Surveyors measure the land directly, and are usually responsible for researching the past characteristics of the land as well to determine any changes. They need to decide what measurements to take, and this will often be determined by the type of surveying they are engaged in.
- Pollution Analyst - Pollution analysts work in natural and urban environments to ensure pollution levels are within standards set by UK and EU legislation.
Super Curriculum
"There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know." Harry S Truman
Mr Smith, Miss Derrick, Mrs Westgate |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE History |
The course has three parts:
- The Tudors 1485-1603 is the breadth study, which is 40% of the course
- The Cold War c.1945-1991 is the depth study, which is 40% of the course
- The final 20% of the course is made up of the NEA (non-examined assessment), which is a 4,000-word essay on civil rights in the USA
As a department, we are committed to the study of history through the use of written, visual, oral and physical sources.
As a student, you will experience history by exploring stories of the past and develop your interest in the subject during lessons while also having opportunities for independent learning.
A study of the past is one of the most important and interesting areas that any student can undertake. At DGSB we aim to ensure that you understand and appreciate a variety of events, individuals, causes and consequences of the past – and that you enjoy the experience.
Potential career paths using A level History are outlined in the video below, and listed here:
- Law
- Politics
- Journalism
- Archaeology
- Civil Service
- Police
- Archivist
- Teacher
Super Curriculum
History Super Curriculum Information
"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding." William Paul Thurston
Mrs Munday, Mrs Hayden, Mrs Martin, Miss Cheema, Miss Scarpitta, Mr Fysh, Miss Ord |
Entry Requirements: Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics |
At DGSB, you will study the Edexcel A-level specification. It covers many topics, including introductions to advanced algebra, series, differentiation, integration,vectors and mechanics.
There is an emphasis on Mathematical argument, language and proof, problem solving and Mathematical modelling.
At the end of year 13, you will have three 2 hour exams, two of which cover the pure mathematics content of the course, while the third exam covers the mechanics and statistics content.
Mathematics is a versatile qualification, well-respected by employers and higher education institutions. Those who study Mathematics at an advanced level gain transferable skills of problem solving and analytical thinking which are very much sought after by employers. Careers for people with good mathematics skills and qualifications are not only well paid, but they are also often interesting and rewarding. People who have studied mathematics are in the fortunate position of having an excellent choice of career. Many employers value mathematics qualifications because mathematics students become better at thinking logically and analytically. If you are thinking about studying for a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) degree, A-level mathematics is a requirement for most courses.
A spokesperson for the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications says: "A-level maths is tremendously important. It provides a firm foundation for all scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical careers and a flying start for many other types of career, such as those in finance, medicine, agriculture … etc. The list is endless!"
The logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills you learn while studying a A Level Mathematics are highly valued by employers across many job sectors. Here are some examples:
- Engineering
- Financial Services
- Sports Analytics
- Space Science and Astronomy
Super Curriculum
Media Studies
" Whoever controls the media, controls the mind." Jim Morrison
Mrs Parker, Mr O'Gorman |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Media Studies or Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature |
The course comprises of three components. Component 1 and 2 each equate to 35% of the qualification. Component 3 involves coursework which includes an individual cross-media production (two forms). This makes up the final 30% of the qualification.
Component 1
Section A: Analysing Media Language and Representation in relation to two of the following media forms: advertising, marketing, music video or newspapers.
Section B: Understanding Media Industries and Audiences in relation to two of the following media forms: advertising, marketing, film, newspapers, radio or video games.
Component 2
Section A: Television in the Global Age
Section B: Magazines - Mainstream and Alternative Media
Section C: Media in the Online Age
Component 3
The coursework element where students will undertake extensive research into existing media texts to inform the planning of their own cross-media production. This will include a print magazine and related audio/visual material.
The media play a central role in contemporary culture, society and politics. They shape our perceptions of the world through the representations, ideas and points of view they offer. The media have relevance and importance in our lives today, providing us with ways to communicate, forms of cultural expression and the ability to participate in key aspects of society. The globalised nature of the contemporary media landscape, ongoing developments and opportunities to interact with the media suggest their centrality, and increased importance, in contemporary life.
- Media Researcher
- Broadcast Journalist
- Marketing
- Television/Film Producer
- Advertising Executive
Modern Foreign Languages
“The more languages you know, the more is your worth as a person.” Novak Djokovic
Mrs Siguencia, Miss Orr, Ms Fernández Pérez |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE French, GCSE German or GCSE Spanish as appropriate |
A-Level modern foreign languages is a fantastic subject to study. The main aim is to immerse yourself in the culture and language as much as possible throughout the 2 academic year course learning about the culture, it’s society, history and politics. You will be assessed in a range of skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammatical skill and translation. You will build on the language and skills you have established at GCSE, while developing the ability to communicate spontaneously in the target language. The topics studied at A-level are more advanced than those at GCSE, and include aspects of modern French-, German- or Spanish-speaking society, current trends and issues, artistic culture and politics. In addition, you will complete guided study of a literary work and of a film in the target language.
At DGSB, we believe that learning a language can enhance your personal development as well as what you can achieve later in life. Studying a language at A level is, sadly, not common in Britain, so if you do choose a language A Level, this will set you apart from other candidates for universities and jobs. In most European countries, students have to study at least one foreign language at A Level, and you may be in direct competition with them for university places and in the workplace. In addition, learning a language will aid your cognitive development and help you to better understand other cultures.
Studying a modern language at A Level will prove extremely useful for students studying English and the Humanities, since these subjects share many common themes and skills. Languages are, however, also invaluable for those wishing to pursue careers in the sciences, ICT and engineering, since so many industries related to these subjects have bases in more than one country. Proficiency in at least one modern language is increasingly seen as an essential skill in most areas of higher education and will be vital for securing good jobs in the global and expanding international workplace.
- Translator
- Adventure Travel Guide
- Chef
- Food critic
- Travel Blogger
- Writer / Influencer
- Diplomat
- Civil Servant
Super Curriculum
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." Bob Marley
Mr Yeoman |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Music. The ability to perform at a competent level (i.e. grade 5 ABRSM or equivalent exam standard) is also required. |
The course consists of three modules.
The first module requires you to perform music live in an eight-minute recital. You may play any instrument or you may use your voice. You may create your own backing track if you wish to or you may choose to perform as part of a group. The choice is yours!
The second module requires you to compose two pieces of music; one connected to an area of study, lasting four minutes, and the other designed to show your technical ability in a particular area such as Baroque harmony, arranging or remixing.
The third module is focused on the study of 13 set works covering a wide range of styles, including fusion, music for film, pop music and jazz, new directions, western instrumental and vocal music. This paper is assessed through an examination which involves two essays and listening questions. You will be expected to be able to relate the set works to unfamiliar music in the final exam as well as describing facets of the music – as you have started to do at GCSE.
This course explores music from the point of view of listener, performer and composer. It may be that you are an aspiring performer – in any genre. You may be more interested in the appreciation of music from an academic perspective; perhaps you are more focused on the creative aspects and aspire to compose for media or stage. If you have committed to studying music and are involved in music of any sort in school and out, then this is an ideal choice for you.
- Performer
- Film composer
- Sound engineer
- Music therapist
- Music production company manager
Super Curriculum
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE)
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." Plato
Mr Rosier |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE PRE or Grade 5 in GCSE Religious Studies |
The Course:
The course is heavily focussed on the completion of three 2-hour examinations. Each exam paper requires candidates to complete three essay questions within two hours.
Paper 1: The Philosophy of Religion
- Why is there evil and suffering in the world?
- Arguments for and against the existence of God
- Is multiculturalism a good thing?
- Can belief in God be explained through psychology?
- What is the ‘soul’?
Paper 2: Ethics
- Can bad people commit good actions?
- Should we only consider the outcomes of our actions, not the actions themselves?
- Is it ever right to kill?
- Is there such a thing as an ethical business?
- What are the ethics of sex and relationships?
Paper 3: Development in Christian Thought
- Who are the key thinkers in the development of early Christianity?
- If you don’t have access to the Bible, can you still go to heaven?
- What is feminist theology?
-Is the Christian church outdated and sexist?
-Is life after death just a metaphor?
- Was Jesus a political figure, teacher of wisdom or the son of God?
Is this course for me?
PRE is a subject specifically for those of you who have wanted to understand the world around you in a deeper way, for those of you who must always ask ‘why?’. PRE is a challenging course but the content involved will ensure you start to perceive the world around you in a new way. You will learn how to write very well-structured essays and arguments – a skill that will prove invaluable as an academic tool. In addition, through discussion and debate on complex issues, you will become more confident in discussing important ethical, philosophical and current affairs issues. You will already know if you are a philosopher because you have asked ‘why?’ all your life. If you would like to extend yourself and discover some of the great minds of Western thought, consider PRE and see what answers – or questions – await you!
PRE links to any career in which expressing yourself, using language to communicate and even persuading others about a particular view or belief, are important skills. Given the nature of the essay writing and its focus on creating a 'line of argument' the most applicable careers are:
- Politics
- Law
- Journalism
- PR and Communications
- Teaching
Super Curriculum
PRE Super Curriculum Information
Physical Education
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though chequered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
Mr White, Mr Beaumont, Mr King |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE PE in addition to appropriate practical ability |
The course consists of three parts, all related to the factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport:
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Skill acquisition
- Sport and society
Students are also assessed as a performer or coach in the full-sided version of an activity of their choice.
How can Lewis Hamilton react to a stimulus within a 1/10th of a second while travelling at speeds in excess of 220mph?
How can an elite sportsperson cope with the pressure of performing in front of a worldwide audience?
Why has there not been a white male 100m Olympic finalist for 32 years?
How can an Olympic weightlifter lift over three times his/her own body weight?
Why were the British public schools of the 19th century credited with the formation of the world’s leading sports?
How can an elite high jumper clear over 8ft, which is the height of a family living room ceiling?
Study is focused heavily upon anatomy and physiology, skill acquisition and the historical and cultural impact of sport. It is essential that you have a genuine passion for participating in sport and a desire to understand the theory that underpins elite performance. The world of sport is brought alive in A-Level PE. If you play, watch, listen to and have a love of sport, this challenging course will provide you with the foundation you need to study this subject at a higher level.
- Sports science
- PE teacher
- Physiotherapist
- Professional sportsperson
- Sports coach/consultant
- Sports policy at local and national level
- Diet and fitness instructor
- Personal trainer
Super Curriculum
"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." Stephen Hawking
Mr Oniye, Ms Howell |
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Physics or Grade 6,6 in GCSE Combined Science + Grade 6 in GCSE Maths* |
In Year 12, you will have an opportunity to study particle physics, quantum physics and electricity. By studying these contrasting topics, you will gain awareness of the on-going development of new ideas in physics. You will study the principles and applications of mechanics, materials and waves including optics in detail. During your course, you will carry out practical experiments and investigations to develop your skills and understanding of important concepts.
In Year 13, you will learn more about force and energy in the contexts of collisions and explosions, circular motion and oscillations, electric, gravitational and magnetic fields, thermal physics and nuclear physics. You will study important applications and devices including capacitors, electric generators and transformers, and nuclear reactors. In studying an optional topic, which at DGSB is the Astrophysics topic, you will build on relevant topics in the compulsory section of the A Level specification to gain a deeper insight. You will gain further practical skills and greater expertise in analysing measurements and evaluating results.
The course has been written to develop your understanding of nature from the smallest possible scale, deep inside the atom, to the largest conceivable distance, stretching across the entire universe. Physics can be linked to other subjects such as Mathematics, Economics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography. It certainly answers the question ‘why?’.
A Level Physics relies heavily on mathematics, so a good understanding of maths is essential.
After studying A Level Physics, students have a wealth of professions they can pursue:
- Astronomy
- Sound Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Quantum Physics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Acoustics
- Medical Engineering
- Project Management
Super Curriculum
"The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best." Paul Valery
Mr O'Grady |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE Biology or Grade 5,5 in GCSE Combined Science |
In Psychology, we study the AQA linear specification.
Year 1
- Social Influence – we look at why people obey and conform.
- Memory – we study how human memory works and what happens when we forget.
- Psychopathology – we focus on three main disorders: OCD, depression and phobias.
- Attachment – we focus on our first attachments to our primary care giver (normally our mother or father).
- Research Methods – we look at the methods of conducting psychology studies.
- Approaches – This is the building block of psychology. We study the different approaches to understanding human behaviour.
- Biopsychology – Here we channel our inner biologist! We look at biological functions and systems such as the features and areas of the brain and our nervous system and look at how these affect our behaviour.
Year 2
- Relationships – we look at romantic relationships – from why we find people attractive to why relationships break down.
- Eating Behaviour – we look at the physiological systems which control when we feel hungry and full. We also specialise in explanations for the causes of anorexia and obesity.
- Forensics – we focus on why people turn to crime and the best ways to punish and rehabilitate criminals.
- Issues and Debates – we look at the problems with psychological research and the key debates within the topic. We study the nature/nurture debate and discuss whether we think psychology can be considered a ‘science’.
Have you ever wondered why humans act the way they do? Are you interested in finding out about the causes and treatments of disorders such as OCD and depression? Do you want to look for answers to help explain why horrific acts like the Holocaust happened and explain why humans acted that way? If so, psychology may be the subject for you. It also gives you a wide range of career options and opportunities as almost every career involves working with other people, so it is an excellent accompaniment to other A-Level subjects.
Studying Psychology will develop the skills required for any career in which the understanding of fellow human beings is important. Some of these roles include:
- Psychologist
- Psychotherapist
- Social worker
- Counsellor
- Teacher
Super Curriculum
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
Mr Rosier, Mrs Osborne |
Entry Requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE PRE or Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature or Grade 5 in GCSE History |
There are three exam papers in sociology and the key themes below are covered. In addition, students require an understanding of key theorists and knowledge of how and why sociological research should take place.
- Education: Why do we have to go to school?! How do we experience school? Is education good for everyone in society? Is there an imbalance in education favouring an elite class? Are grammar schools outdated?
- Family: What are the traditional roles within a family – do they still exist? What function does a family serve for society?
- Crime and Deviance: Why do some people commit crime and others not? Can crime statistics be misleading? Does the media give us an accurate picture of what is happening relating to crime? Do some people turn to crime because of ‘labels’ put upon them?
- The Media: Who owns the media? What are media stereotypes? What is the relationship between screen violence and real-life violence? Who constructs the news? What is the impact of New Media?
We all exist in a society whether we choose to or not, so what is society and how does it work? These are some of the essential questions you will have to reflect on throughout your studies and if you have ever asked any of the questions above, then sociology is for you! Sociology is very much the ‘next step’ in studies of human behaviour as it seeks to explain how and why we work together as humans.
Studying Sociology will teach you a range of transferrable skills enabling you to work in a multitude of professions. It is potentially most suited to careers which you work closely with people and where communication is important.
- Police and probation services
- Local and central government
- Social and market research
- Public relations, journalism and communications
- Media and marketing
Super Curriculum
Sociology Super Curriculum Information
"Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write." H.G. Wells
Mrs Munday, Mr Fysh, Mrs Scarpitta Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics What?
Statistics is concerned with developing reliable conclusions from real data by using a range of description, analysis and inference on data that has been collected in a fair way to reduce the chances of bias. As such it is widely used and important political and social decisions are often made based on the result of statistical analysis. In this course, you will develop your knowledge of probability, numerical measures and graphical representation from GCSE Maths and extend into probability distributions and hypothesis testing, as well as developing an understanding of how statistical experiments are carried out and analysed in various real-life contexts.
At the end of Year 13 there are three 2-hour exams. One on “Statistical Inference”, one on “Data and Probability” and the third is “Statistics in Practice”.
Using and understanding data is becoming increasingly important in many areas of study and employment. A wide range of disciplines rely on statistical analysis to draw conclusions about the world and its population. This may be in such diverse applications as the performance of athletes, the efficacy of a new medication or the relationship between physical exercise and mental health and wellbeing. An A level in Statistics will support the analysis and research in other subjects such as Economics, Geography, Biology, Natural Sciences and Psychology, either at A Level or undergraduate level.
- Systems Analyst
- Systems Engineer
- IT Support
- Network Management
- Programmer