Library and Reading

The library at DGSB is an integral part of the school community offering an inclusive and comfortable space for students to study which is open throughout the school day. Pupils are welcome to come to the library at lunchtime and before and after school to relax and read a book or to complete homework. Students have access to a wide range of resources including fiction and non-fiction, an ICT area, and the opportunity to practice their chess skills.

Our librarian is helped by a dedicated team of School Librarians selected from all year groups.

The school currently has plans to improve its library resources by focussing on updating its collections of both fiction and non-fiction literature as well as auditing our current stock.

Reading Cloud is available for student use both at home and at school and can be used to find resources within the library but also to keep track of reading habits and to suggest new titles for students looking to expand their interests. All pupils are automatically issued Reading Cloud accounts and may borrow books from the library which are issued for two weeks at a time.